Faith Formation Playlist

Check here for a carefully curated list of online resources. These can help you focus on God and deepen your faith. Check back as this will be updated with new items regularly! 

Apps:  (you can find in your phone’s App store OR visit their website)

D365 Daily Devotions – Devotions written (primarily) for youth and young adults, but meaningful for all ages! Five steps each day: pause, listen, think, pray, go. During Advent this becomes Following the Star and in Lent, Journey to Jerusalem.

Pray as You Go – Daily Bible centered devotions by Jesuits in England. 

3 Minute Retreat Loyola Press. A brief 3 minutes (literally) break at your computer to help you focus on God and the life of faith.
Sacred SpaceDaily prayer online. 
Daily Prayer (PCUSA)Morning and evening prayer,  following the updated Book of Common Worship.  Psalms, Gospel readings, prayers. Note the link is to the PCUSA page about the app-readings are on the app only. There is a one-time fee of $2.99.
Luther Seminary has a daily 5 Minute Devotion, Pause for God. Sign up here.
PC(U.S.A.) resources:
Opening Doors to Discipleshipan online learning tool for anyone involved in Faith Formation, church leadership, members who want to grow spiritually. 

Daily lectionary readings.

Prayer Practices at Home: suggestions for families to easily incorporate prayer practices.
Podcasts: (you can also find these on your favorite podcast app)
Along the Road: A Podcast for PC(U.S.A.) leaders. Good for Elders and Deacons, but all can learn and grow!
Around the Table – Sharing our Stories – Find on Amazon, Spotify or Apple Podcasts. From the PC (U.S.A.) Office of Spiritual Formation. 

Parents Take Five Being a Christian Parent today is hard, this offers short, inspirational talks to help you on your journey. Jen Kirby Evans is pastor of Madisonville First Presbyterian Church (KY).

Doubting Believer.  PC(U.S.A.) Pastor the Rev. Anne Russ provides encouragement and tools for your faith journey. 
Family Resources (purchases):   Families Celebrate Summer
PCUSA Christmas Joy Family Reflections
Articles for the Season:
Luther Seminary has a downloadable Advent Devotional. Click here has wreath devotions, prayers and more. Click here.
Center for Christianity, Culture and the Arts has wonderful Advent (and Lent) devotionals. Click here.